Thursday, March 26, 2015

Population starters

Sites related to GeogSplace
SACE Board of SA
Spatialworlds blog
Spatialworlds website
Course details on Flo
Australian Curriculum Portal
DECD Learning Resources for Australian Curriculum
DECD Achievement Standards Charts
Australian Geography Teachers' Association website

Geography Teachers Association of South Australia sites

This posting provides you with some sites to get you thinking about population as described in the Geography curriculum (from the SACE document):

This topic introduces students to the key factors that influence human interactions with the natural environment, including population pressure and the level of consumption. Students begin to understand global, national, and local population patterns and trends, and the factors involved in population change. Throughout this topic, students investigate contemporary population issues, using local, national, and global examples.

Key Areas for Investigation

Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the following key areas, which are developed using local, national, and global examples.

World Population

·   The broad global distribution of the human population and examples to illustrate the interrelated factors that influence this distribution (e.g. environment, history, resources, culture, and politics)

·   Global population trends

The Processes of Population Change

·   Crude birth rates and the economic and sociocultural factors that influence fertility

·   Crude death rates and the economic and sociocultural factors that influence mortality

·   The push-and-pull factors that influence the migration of people

·   The characteristics and interpretation of population pyramids

·   The demographic transition model and its limitations

·   Examples of trends in population change in economically developed countries and in economically less-developed countries

Issues Arising from Changes in the Composition of Populations and the Movement of People

·   The social, economic, and political implications of changes in the composition of populations

–   a case study of a country with a young and expanding population

–   a case study of a country with an ageing population

·   Case studies to illustrate the social, economic, and political implications that movements of people between countries have for both the country of destination and the country of origin

Now have a look at these videos/sites, containing, information, conflicting perspectives and ideas.

* World population clock

* Stable population

* Population

* 7 Billion: National geographic

* World population

* World population growth

* Population growth

* 2.1 kids

* The science of overpopulation

* Population and poverty

* A personal view

* Another view

* Suzuki on overpopulation

* Demographic Transition model

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