Sites related to GeogSplace
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Windows to the past (a history class blog on the Great War)
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Year 12 Evening presentation
Go to the GTASA site to view the presentations from the Adelaide University Year 12 Student Evenings over the years, including this years on 12 August.
They are all useful to you but make sure you go through these ones:
A presentation by Dr John Tibby at the Year 12 Evening at Adelaide University on August 12th, 2014.
A presentation by Professor Graeme Hugo at the Year 12 Evening at Adelaide University on August 12th, 2014.
A presentation by Professor Graeme Hugo at the Year 12 Evening at Adelaide University on August 22nd, 2013.
A presentation by Dr John Tibby at the Year 12 Evening at Adelaide University on August 22nd, 2013.
A presentation by Dr John Tibby at the Year 12 Evening at Adelaide University on August 19th, 2009
A presentation by Douglas Bardsley at the Year 12 Evening at Adelaide University on August 19th, 2009.
A presentation by Dr John Tibby at the Year 12 Evening at Adelaide University on August 25th, 2008.
I suggest you have look at the presentations to revisit some of the great points made on these nights about population, development and resources.